
Personal Development

3 Reasons People Quit That Have Nothing To Do With Money

In a recent study, 89% of employers assume that their employees leave for more money elsewhere.  But in reality, studies from Gallup and the Incentive Research Foundation reveal only 12% of employees actually earn more from their next company. In my experience, people become demotivated first. The decision to.

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What’s the ROI on Friendship?

Who are your five closest friends?  Did you intentionally choose them?  Or are they circumstantial friends? Whether you realize it or not, your closest friends set the bar for what you consider to be normal.  For example, if you’re a B student and all your friends get C’s, you’ll.

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A Letter for the Special Ones

Intellectually, you know that other people adore their children.  In fact, it’s in your best interest to want people to adore their children.  When people love and care for their children, the world benefits.  Social science backs this up.  People who care about their children make their best effort.

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The Caffeinated Leader: Why We Abuse Our Best Asset

How many times do you need a hit of caffeine or sugar just to get through the day? If you’ve got a day job, you’re probably well acquainted with exhaustion at the office.   Forty-two percent of people are getting by on less than six hours of sleep a.

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Does Your Business Need an Anthropologist?

How do your perceptions about the past affect the way you behave in the future? If you’re like most people, you carry around a story. Whether it’s a story about yourself, your company, or your family, or all of the above, your stories inform your beliefs. Your beliefs in.

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The False Choice: Inspiration vs. Accountability

Organizations tell their people,  “Be the best. Delight customers.  Put a dent in the universe.”  It sounds inspiring at the annual meeting.  But what does it really mean on a day-to-day basis? When Nike says their mission is to, “Bring inspiration and innovation to every athlete in the world,”.

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Essential Versus Important: The Life Changing Power of Less

Have you ever found yourself saying, “The day got away from me?” You set goals; you have a strategy; you think know what’s most important.  Then, somehow, your day is hijacked by other people’s agendas. It’s like fish nibbling away at a giant carcass on the floor of the.

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What is Noble Purpose?

As human beings we are hardwired to seek meaning and purpose in our lives. Nowhere is this more important than work, where we spend so many of our waking hours. Bill McDermott, CEO of SAP, explains, “This is a world where purpose matters more than ever before. I get inspired.

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The Power to Get Things Done – Whether You Feel Like It or Not

You find yourself trolling Reddit or online shopping for new Post-it notes before completing that single aggravating task. You know you need to make the client phone call, it’s important for your success, you promised yourself you would do it, but somehow, it falls to the bottom of the.

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Don’t Pursue Happiness, Choose Something More Nuanced

Viktor Frankl once said: It is the very pursuit of happiness that thwarts happiness. As humans, we tend to pursue outcomes. Yet often what we really desire is experiences that create more nuanced feelings. For example, a client of mine set a goal to take a trip to Paris.

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