
What the Most Successful People Do Differently

Think about the people you admire most. What do they have in common? Have they achieved a certain level of economic or social success? Perhaps you admire their values, like their stick-with-it attitude or creativity. Maybe it shows up in personal ways, like someone who always shows up with.

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Decide Now: How Pre-Decisions Can Bring You a More Intentional 2022

We often agonize over non-critical decisions. Deciding what kind of car to buy is probably not going to have a big impact on your career. Deciding how to cut your hair isn’t going to impact your most important relationships. We think long and hard about material decisions. Yet when.

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Saving Your Soul: How to Set (And Keep) Boundaries at Work

New year, same zoom meeting. I doubt I’m the only one who feels at less than full throttle walking into 2022. In fact, I know I’m not. LinkedIn is filled with stories about burnout, Omicron, and the Great Resignation (or the Great Reshuffle, for the optimists). For a lot.

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3 Articles that Got People Talking in 2021

I’ve been writing a weekly article for over a decade. This practice has served as an avenue of exploration, a chance to reflect on the state of the world, and an opportunity to connect with all of you. It gives me a chance to see which ideas people find.

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The Meaning of Life in Two Words

Is it TV and Shopping?  Thankfully, no. Many years ago, I attended a lecture entitled, “The Meaning of Life in Two Words.”  With a promise like that, how can you not go? I honestly expected it to be a joke. It was not. In the first sentence his lecture,.

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How to Have Tough Conversations with Confidence

Do you ever find yourself putting off challenging conversations at work? Sometimes, just thinking about a potentially difficult conversation has the power to fill us with anxiety. And that wave of dread often causes us to kick the can down the road, and avoid a conversation that really needs.

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3 Hidden Habits that Might Be Eroding Your Reputation at Work

You did everything you were supposed to do. Meeting deadlines, managing deliverables, winning over your manager and leaving a trail of ‘exceeds expectations’ throughout your performance reviews. But you’re still not where you want to be. It has happened to me. And it’s happened to every single executive I’ve.

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How to Give Feedback (When You Aren’t the Boss)

Giving feedback is a great way to add value to your organization and build your personal brand. But when you don’t have the formal title of “boss,” it’s easy to be perceived as overly critical. Even if you are a formal leader, with direct reports, you’ve likely recognized that feedback.

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How to Laugh More at Work

When was the last time you laughed at work? No, not the polite ‘haha’ response. And typing ‘lol’ in an email (while you are completely stoned face) doesn’t count either. I’m talking about a deep belly laugh, with your coworkers. The kind that fills you with endorphins, wakes you.

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How to Play the Long Game (Even If You Feel like You Can Barely Make It to Friday)

We all know the drill. You wake up every day, do your best to get through your to-do list, be a good person, and keep all the balls in the air. But in your few quiet moments, behind the feeling of overwhelm, it’s there. It’s that gnawing nagging feeling.

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