
Innovation & Change

Your Spouse and Your Boss Agree, You’re a Bad Communicator

Bill was frustrated; his boss just didn’t get it. Bill thought his boss expected too much. In my conversation with Bill he said, “My boss worries about the smallest things, then he freaks out if they’re not done perfectly.” As he spoke, something about the way Bill described his.

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Web v. Human: Easy or Special?

A friend of mine bought a car recently without ever stepping into the dealership.  It’s being delivered to his door.  He conducted the entire purchase over the phone and Internet. When he walks out of his front door Monday morning there will be a new BMW sitting in his.

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Why Your Best Employees Are Quitting Before They Start

Is your interview process driving the best people away? The days of the all-powerful employer sitting back while the candidate tries to impress them are over. If you want top talent, they are going to interview you, just as much as you are interviewing them. Here are three classic.

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Our Biggest Problems Have a Hidden Cause

What is the single biggest problem facing our planet? Is it Global Warming? Terrorism? Poverty? It’s none of the above.  Let me explain. What if we could triple the amount of human capital devoted to solving these and other major issues?  We can.  And we can do it with.

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Barbie has Noble Purpose

I confess: I was a Barbie girl. What did you play with as a kid, Hot Wheels, Legos, Army Men?  Your toys forge your identify.  They enable you to play out your hopes and dreams.  You can be anything you want in the land of make believe. As a.

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5 Ways Leaders (Unknowingly) Sabotage The Sales KickOff

You’ve got a big number to hit.  It’s time to rally the troops.  You bring your sales team together for the sales kickoff meeting.  It’s big.  It’s expensive, and the logistics rival a space launch. But, sadly, for many companies the annual meeting is a rinse and repeat exercise.

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You Should Be Dancing, Yeah: At Work

How often do you hit the wall? It’s 3 o’clock (or 10 o’clock), you haven’t finished half of what you need to accomplish, but fatigue is hitting you like a ton of bricks. For me, it’s feels like a wave of exhaustion washing over my entire body. I notice.

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Wells Fargo and Volkswagen: The Cost of Quarterly Capitalism

Here we go again. Wells Fargo was recently fined $185 million because thousands of their employees set up millions of fake accounts customers didn’t ask for. Here’s what happened: The employees were incented to open additional accounts for existing customers. The sales goals were aggressive. Employees were evaluated, ranked.

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How I Used Leadership Books to Raise Toddlers

Have you ever been faced with a challenge that you don’t know how to handle? Were you ever in a situation where you felt overwhelmed and unprepared? We’ve all been there. My instinct in these situations is to reach for a book. Nowadays it might also be a YouTube.

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Is it Coaching, or a Critique? Perspective Changes Everything.

How do you respond when someone offers you a suggestion? Consider this scenario.  Imagine you just gave a presentation.  Afterwards, your boss says, “It was good, but you included too much detail, next time make it crisper.” How do you react?  Do you feel the need to explain why.

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