
Innovation & Change

LinkedIn Gave the Entire Company the Week Off. Here’s what we can learn from that.

Starting today, the majority of LinkedIn’s 15,900 employees worldwide are getting a paid week off. I’ve been a LinkedIn Learning (course) author for the last 5 years and have been fortunate to work with many of LinkedIn’s internal teams as well. I know firsthand, LinkedIn has always played the.

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Virtual Onboarding: How to Win the Hearts and Minds of New Employees (Via Zoom)

When teams that were used to working together in person shifted to virtual, they had a wellspring of mutual goodwill to draw upon. They’d been through change, challenge, and growth together. The existing goodwill enabled them to power through virtual work even when it may have been frustrating or.

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What If Getting Great Results Doesn’t Have To Be So Hard?

If you’ve ever tried, and perhaps succeeded in achieving a big goal, you know that great results require hard work (and lots of it). The sacrifice and struggle associated with accomplishment are part of the puritan work ethic, bootstrap-it-up mythology many of us have been marinating in since birth, both.

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How to Climb the Ladder, Even When the Ground is Shaky

As we approach what is typically “performance review season” many high performers are faced with two seemingly competing inner voices: I should be grateful I even have a job I still want to climb the ladder It’s not a false dichotomy. You should be grateful. And you should also.

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Trustworthy People Do These 4 Things

Think about who you trust. Your parents? Your spouse? A handful of friends? What makes you trust those people? It’s probably a lot of things, like they kept your secrets, helped you out on something important, or maybe they’re a great listener. All these things make you know –.

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Are You Your Own Toughest Critic? Here’s How to Quiet the Voice of Judgement

How often do you feel like you’re coming up short? Whether it’s at work or at home, with your professional prowess or your weight, it’s easy to fall into the trap of grading yourself on everything. Let’s face it; we live in a performance culture. As someone who works.

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What Purpose-Driven Leaders Do Differently

It’s not work that erodes our spirit, it’s meaningless work High impact leaders go beyond the fundamentals (like setting clear goals and giving positive feedback), they up-level everyone around them, by infusing a wave of inspiration and commitment. In the last two decades, I’ve had the privilege of working.

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How to Harness the Power of Storytelling (Especially in Remote Environments)

As teams find their “new normal” for communicating and staying connected remotely, storytelling often gets left out of the equation. This is a big problem. In remote environments, when emotional connection and anecdotes get stripped away, it can leave teams feeling like work is a grind; a Monday through Friday.

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How to Host Virtual Meetings that Inspire Action and Urgency

What percent of your time at work do you spend in meetings? Previous estimates were that middle managers spent 35% of their team in meetings, while senior leaders spent 50%. Now with virtual work, many leaders say as much as 90% of their time is spent in meetings. Or at least it.

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How to Have a Better Relationship with Your Boss

Having a great boss can be transformational. Having a terrible boss can be soul-sucking. When it comes to the boss-employee relationship, most people fall somewhere between. Improving the relationship with your boss has a positive impact on your work and your life overall. Much of the power lies in your hands;.

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