

Decatur Book Festival 2013

I’m very excited to be presenting at this year’s event! If you’re in the ATL, please join me Saturday, Aug. 31 at 10:00AM. I’ll be at the Marriott Conference Center, Ballroom A.

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Why Bosses And Teachers Have So Much Power Over Families

We talk about you at dinner. Almost every night, our spouse or child gives us a recap of your day. We hear about your moods, what you said or did, sometimes, we even hear about your wardrobe and facial expressions. It’s probably not fair, but if you’re a boss.

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Why Moving the Needle Matters More Than You Think

We all want to solve the big problem. We want to be the one who creates the breakthrough, who upends the paradigm, who stops or starts “it” once and for all. When you can’t solve the big problem, it often feels futile to try. Because if you try and you.

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Podcast on

Check out my recent podcast for Click here and scroll to the page bottom for the play button.

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3 Ways to Break Out Of the Gerbil Syndrome

Do you ever feel like your life has become a series of frantic short-term interactions? Demands and distractions come in by the nanosecond – beeping and clicking at you from multiple devices – and there’s not a minute left for invigorating conversation, true relaxation, or heaven forbid, strategic thinking..

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Why the Boss/Employee Relationship Still Matters

How many bosses have made a difference in your life? You probably remember your very best, and your very worst, bosses. What was the difference between the two? It’s interesting, when asked what makes a good manager people often cite intellect and job skills. Yet when people are asked.

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Why Southwest is Beating the Competition

When was the last time an airline employee gave you enthusiastic service? Compare and contrast these two stories to see how senior leadership affects employee commitment: Last year, I lost my wallet on a late night Delta airlines flight. I stumbled off the plane in a bleary-eyed stupor, and.

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Why Most Bosses Are Self-Absorbed and How Not To Be a Jerk

Who was the best boss you ever had? What made him or her so good? Popeye’s CEO Cheryl Bachelder likes to pose that question. In a recent interview Bachelder said, “I started to wonder what it would be like if you led the way you want to be led, if.

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The Great Sales Disconnect: Why We’re Weird About Salespeople

Houston, we have a problem. It’s not as dramatic as an out of control space capsule hurtling towards death. But it does cause many people to abort what could have been a successful mission. It’s a business problem. It’s the disconnect between the word sales and the word salesperson. People.

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Why Servant Leadership Is Slightly Off, And What to Do Instead

What constitutes a great leader? Is it charisma? Someone with a great vision who fearlessly leads the team up the hill? Or perhaps it’s servant leadership, a humble leader who patiently and selflessly puts him or herself into the service of others? Leadership is the most overanalyzed, thoroughly dissected, and.

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