
Noble Purpose Newsletter

Why the “My Job is Harder” Fight isn’t a Battle You Want to Win

There’s a human tendency to feel like you’re pulling more than your fair share of the weight. That’s because we only experience the hardships of our own reality. We don’t see the work our colleague or partner does when we’re not around. We don’t experience their stress or tension..

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How to Leverage Intuition in Decision-making

I knew it. How many times have you found yourself saying that, after the fact? When you ignore your instincts, and go forward despite a slightly uncomfortable feeling in your gut, you almost always regret it. Sadly, it’s usually only after the fact that we can fully articulate why.

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Why it’s Worth Learning to Manage Your Face

A friend of mine owns a bakery and café.  Her cupcakes are scrumptious, her Caprese sandwich melts in your mouth.  Clients drive miles for one of her macaroons. Her baked goods are legendary; the problem is her facial expressions. In online reviews customers rave about the food, but several.

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The Biggest Difference between Success and Mediocrity for Teachers and Leaders

Do you remember your most horrible teacher? What about your worst boss?  You can probably still hear their words in your head. I have vivid memories of my sixth grade teacher, whom I shall not name, peering over her glasses at me, rolling her eyes, and uttering her familiar.

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Invite the Best Version of Your Boss to the Meeting

How often have you tried to figure out what your boss wants? The boss is the unseen participant at every meeting.  The boss might not be there in person, but everyone wonders what her reaction will be to the decisions, initiatives or outcomes. Most people want to make their.

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Why Employees Just Don’t Care, and What the Boss Can Do About It

I frequently hear leaders complain that their employees just don’t care anymore. Lack of employee engagement has reached epidemic proportions. A May 2014 New York Times article titled, “Why you hate work” was the single most emailed article for an entire week. The article revealed that in a 2013.

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Why We Wait, Before Giving It Our Best

I’m willing to do it, but I’m not sure he is. It’s the biggest obstacle to making a positive change.  We want to know, for sure, that the other guy is all in with good intentions, before we fully invest ourselves. I was working on a consulting project recently.

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Why Customer Service People Still Give Terrible Customer Service

No ma’am, you cannot speak to my supervisor. No ma’am, I don’t even have the number for a supervisor. No ma’am, there is nothing you can do to improve this situation. I have total power over you via this phone line, and I am not relinquishing it. Have you.

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The Real Driver of Great Innovation via Alexander Graham Bell and Pharrell Williams

Does innovation come from within, or is it driven by outside forces? We often think of innovation as a random stroke of genius, a spark of creativity ignited by a great mind. But some of our most notable innovations have actually been the result of people who dedicated themselves.

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Why Words Matter and How to Choose the Right Ones

“Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me.” Whoever said that probably never had a parent call them stupid.  They probably also never knew the pain of having their boss denounce them as a “low potential” As a writer and speaker, I’ve long appreciated.

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