
Noble Purpose Newsletter

Sacrificing Love of Learning on the Altar of Memorization

There’s a great scene in the 1980’s movie When Peggy Sue Got Married. Kathleen Turner’s time travels go back to high school. Already having lived much of her adult life, she confidently tells her math teacher, “Mr. Snelgrove, I happen to know that in the future I will not.

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Ideas worth sharing – TEDx Peachtree

  I was very excited to be invited to speak at TEDx Peachtree in Atlanta, GA. My talk was posted last week and can be viewed by:  Clicking Here! Please feel free to share.

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Gen Buy: Why Millennials Consider an Iphone A Basic Human Right

What dictates your spending? Your current economic circumstances? Or the lifestyle in which you were raised? I grew up as the eldest of four kids in a house that only had one bathroom. I was raised on SPAM. We never had money for vacations. My mother’s mandate on brand.

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Is Your Team Having Fun?

Lisa reminds us that balance in life will keep your team energetic and happy.

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My Opinion on Sheryl Sandberg

Lisa shares her opinion on the criticism that has circulated about Sheryl Sandberg.

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Should We Challenge Our Customers?

Lisa discusses the right way to interject challenging conversation in to your sales calls.

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Why Intellectual Buy-In Does Not Equate to Emotional Engagement

Lisa explains that touching peoples emotions is what will get them to act.

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Why People Attach Undue Significance to the Leaders Words

Lisa shares tips for leaders to remember when speaking around their teams.

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How to Close the Passion Gap: 3 Ways to Infuse Purpose

  We have a gap. A gap between what makes organizations successful and the way leaders traditionally manage business. A 2013 Deloitte survey revealed that: “Organizations that focus beyond profit and instill a strong sense of purpose among their employees are more likely to find long-term success.”   Yet.

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Why Redundant Paperwork is Ruining Everything

How many forms did you have to fill out the last time you went to the doctor? Was it fun? Why is it that Kroger knows what kind of conditioner I use (and when I’m about to run out), yet my doctor’s office needs to ask me my address.

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