
Personal Angst

The Case for Emotional Decision-making

Do you make big decisions using logic, or emotion? We’ve been taught not to let emotions cloud our decision-making. But there’s a big difference between making an emotional decision and making a rash decision. As humans, it’s impossible to strip emotion from our decision-making. Nor would you want to..

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Four Ways to Improve Your Resilience Muscles

“Success is not final, failure is not fatal, it’s the courage to continue that counts.” It was inspirational when Winston Churchill said it.  But for most of us, mustering the courage to go on in the face of failure is not easy. My ancestors braved war and famine, but.

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Emotions Are a Source of Power

“Buck up. Quit being so emotional.” If you haven’t heard it, you may have said it. We’ve long been taught that emotions are a source of weakness. Getting emotional is often perceived as an indicator we’re not in control. But what if we’ve been thinking about this all wrong?.

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Why Culture – at Home and Work – Can Not Be Left to Chance

What’s more important?  Getting the order out today, or creating a culture that will enable you to do 5,000 orders next year? The answer of course, is both.  One task is urgent, the order today, it’s easy to understand what to do.  The other issue is important, creating an.

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To Tattle or Not to Tattle: When to Tell the Boss and When to Keep it to Yourself

To tattle or not to tattle, that is the question my friends. When you see a co-worker making errors, how do you handle it?  Ignore it? Bring it to their attention right away?  Sit on it?  Or do you tell the boss? The answer is, it depends?  Here are.

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Your Job is Like Cake

Do you like cake? I love cake.  Give me a piece of cake, and I’m happy. A good job is kind of like cake.  One piece is excellent.  Two pieces are good.  But if you eat a whole cake, you’re going to stop liking cake. A lot of people.

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Why Adjectives are Eroding the Truth

I don’t yell as much as my mother.  I consider that an accomplishment. Unfortunately, my kids never knew my mother, so they have no idea how well I’m doing. That’s the problem with comparisons.  We all live in our own world, a world forged by our experiences.  Consider these.

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The Big Mistake People Make About Money

Is money the root of all evil?  I don’t believe so.  Yet many of us live with a weird dichotomy when it comes to money.  We want money, but we don’t want to be perceived as wanting it.  Consider these mixed messages: Good companies are profitable and financially stable..

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Web v. Human: Easy or Special?

A friend of mine bought a car recently without ever stepping into the dealership.  It’s being delivered to his door.  He conducted the entire purchase over the phone and Internet. When he walks out of his front door Monday morning there will be a new BMW sitting in his.

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What is the Meaning of Life?

It’s the age-old question, but what if I told you, the answer was two short words?  Now it’s not wine and cheese, nor is it TV and shopping? It’s not even love and money. The meaning of life is friendship and creativity.  I didn’t come by this revelation on.

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