
Personal Development

Optimism v. Pessimism: A Treacherous False Choice

Leave life to the Pollyannas, and they’ll skip us off the edge of a cliff, clutching a copy of “The Secret” to their chest, passionately chanting, “I believe I can fly, I believe I can fly.”

If only all the Eeyores of the world would start thinking more positively, we.

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Table Grace: Blessings for the Spiritually Eclectic

Realizing that he had the rapt attention of everyone in the room my brother paused for dramatic effect and eloquently issued his one-word proclamation: “Grace.” Thus revealing to the entire crowd of assembled relatives that my parents were heathen slackers who failed to provide their children with even the.

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Civility: Is Lack of Empathy the Real Problem?

The recent rash of rudeness is merely a symptom of a larger problem; we’ve forgotten that other people are human beings, too. They may get in our way in traffic, sing songs we don’t like, make questionable calls on the line, or feel differently about health care than we.

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Politician Uncovers Peace Plot

Politician uncovers peace plot By Lisa Earle McLeod Theres a heinous plot afoot that could rip away the very foundation upon which this great country was founded. House Majority Whip Rep. Roy Blunt (R-Mo.) has exposed a secret cell of peacemakers determined to change the American way of life..

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Singing The Botox Blues

Singing the Botox blues By Lisa Earle McLeod My hairdresser got breast implants and I’ve got the gray hair to show for it. Actually, it wasn’t her new D cups that left me looking like the Wicked Witch of the West. It was having the fat sucked out of.

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Words Matter More Than You Think

Words matter more than you think By Lisa Earle McLeod “Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me.” Whoever said that probably never had a parent call them stupid. They probably also never knew the pain of having their boss publicly denounce them as.

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Nurturing 2.0: Launching Ladies To The Top

Nurturing 2.0: Launching Ladies to the Top By Lisa Earle McLeod Is it better to give than to receive? When it comes to gifts and charity, it feels great to put others first. But in the dog-eat-dog world of business, most people believe, if you want to get ahead,.

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It Came Upon a Midnight Buffet Table

It Came Upon a Midnight Buffet Table By Lisa Earle McLeod Let the gluttony begin. ’Tis the season of sin.  Other families may engage in meaningful religious rituals, but my family is whooping it up at the church of the holy drumstick. Why settle for a single sip of.

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Holiday Hints for a Happy Wife

Holiday Hints for a Happy Wife By Lisa Earle McLeod A chubby guy sops up his bloody nose with a red lace thong. A young groom tries to hide the sparkly, white hand-held mixer jutting from his ear. And a middle-aged man pushing a vacuum cleaner appears to have.

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Forget Perfect Holidays

Forget Perfect Holidays A Three Part Guide to Surviving the Holidays Without Getting Fat, Going Broke or Having Your Wife Throw Egg Nog in Your Face Catch Lisa on Good Morning America – Pressure to Create the Perfect HolidayRead the article and click the TV to watch the clip!.

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