
Innovation & Change

Four Ways Leaders Can Infuse More Meaning Into the Workplace

The words of the leader have an outsize impact on the team.  Words create worlds. If you’re a leader, your words tell your people how they should feel about your organization. I use the word “feel” very intentionally here. The most effective leaders use their time with their teams.

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Five New Questions You Should Be Asking in Interviews

What do you look for in a leader? If you’re like most people, it’s a combination of what you value, what you’ve seen work in the past, and a dash of socialization. By socialization I mean, the influence of your family, your community and even pop culture. Whether it’s.

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Are Your Metrics Eroding Trust?

How do you create excellence?  Many organizations assume: if we broadcast the metrics and hold people accountable, performance will improve.  This assumption is wrong.  Too often, the system’s leadership designs to improve performance wind up eroding trust and morale, the very things required for high performance. Let’s look at.

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Why We Break Our Resolutions

Already broke your resolution? You’re not alone. Resolutions are always more fun to make than they are to execute. The same is true with most change. We create these grand plans as our most aspirational selves. Yet when it comes time to go to the gym, be more focused.

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What the Most Depressing Song in the World Tells Us About Human Nature

The first time I heard the song I kind of liked it, until I really listened, then I despised it. The twangy country ballad about a son discovering how much his late father loved him, spoke to people. Randy Travis sang, “We all thought his heart was made of.

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What Happens If No One Needs Health Insurance?

Why do you go to work? If you ask most people, they’ll say, I need the money.  But the answer expands a bit if you ask people who work for a large company, or the government.  Dig a little deeper and you’ll find many people work for big organizations.

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Reset Your Gratitude Button From the Center Seat in Coach

The man next to me in 38C is frustrated because the flight from Boston has been delayed by 2 hours. He’s got an aisle seat, and a drink in his hand, but he’s still very annoyed. Meanwhile, I’m in the center seat, between two big guys who are taking.

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Is Change Hard? Or Do Leaders Make it Harder?

Traditional thinking tells us people don’t like change. But if that were true, no one would ever get married or have a baby.  Or move, or go to college, or change jobs, or the myriad of other changes we humans regularly impose on ourselves. People make huge sweeping changes.

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Taking advice? Consider the source.

She loved making cards.  For her, they were a work of art.  She started out making them for friends and family.  Beautiful creations of paper, ribbon, tissue, and anything else she could find.  People swooned over her cards.  She loved watching the look on someone’s face when they opened.

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Why Data Presentations are Terrible and How to Fix It

Imagine you’re at a conference, and you have to choose between two programs for your afternoon session.  Both presenters are experts in your field.  One presenter has gathered a huge body of data and will be presenting it all in a long PowerPoint. The other presenter has amassed a.

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