
Innovation & Change

The Battle between Love and Money

For years, I felt I had a devil one shoulder and an angel on the other.  The devil whispers, “Make as much money as you can!”  While on the other shoulder, the do-gooder persistent angel keeps reminding me, “You’re here to make a difference in the world.” I’m not.

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Define Yourself Quickly, Before People Assume the Worst

There’s a moment of suspended animation for any leader.  It’s the time between when you’re called to leadership and when you actually assume the mantle of responsibility.  It’s a crucial time, because people are deciding who you are and what you stand for before you even show up for.

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When To Negotiate and When To Let It Go

You don’t get what you deserve; you get what you negotiate.  It was the title of a popular negotiating course in the 80’s and 90’s. In one sense, it’s true.  If you don’t ask for what you want, you’re unlikely to get it. The flip side is negotiating for.

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How to Sell Your Expertise to Powerful People

Do you ever have to sell yourself or your ideas to someone in power? It can be intimidating. I recently had a conversation with Dr. Chip Bell, the world-renowned authority on customer loyalty and innovative service. Bell is North America’s #1 keynote speaker on customer service and he works.

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The Value of Wallowing

Have you ever been really disappointed about something and then had someone tell you to cheer up? How does it make you feel?  Generally speaking, telling someone to cheer up when they’re disappointed doesn’t work.  Instead of helping you cope with your emotions, telling you to cheer up is.

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Are You Ready for a Red Table Talk?

Do you ever have to address emotionally charged topics at work, or in your personal life?  We all do. A quick glance of the headlines reveals, we’re not all skilled at having difficult conversations.  Whether it’s racial discrimination or sexual harassment, these aren’t easy topics to discuss, especially at.

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There’s nothing more dangerous than a writer whose feelings have been hurt”

When Glenn Close uttered this drop-dead line in The Wife, I laughed out loud at the horrible truth.  In the movie, Close was advising her husband, a famous author, not to anger a reporter.  Her husband, a powerful famous man, seemed oblivious as to how his treatment of a.

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How to Keep Your Personality from Overshadowing Your Team

“There’s no point arguing, she’s already got her mind set.” I hear this from employees who have a boss with a strong personality.  I recently wrote about why conflict avoiders find themselves in continual conflict (because they never address the root cause).  The preponderance of comments came from bosses.

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Why Nice People Start Turf Wars

Steve knew he was facing a challenge.  As he walked into the budget meeting, he squared his shoulders and took a deep breath. The facts were on his side.  Now it was time to convince the rest of the senior team, and, most importantly, his CEO.  The challenge at.

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It’s OK to Admit You Had it Rough

When it comes to bad circumstances.  There are two kinds of people.  The people who want to prove they have it worse than other people.  And the people who will tell you others had it worse than they did. I usually fall into the second group.  Telling yourself other.

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