
Innovation & Change

Do Your Pronouns Reveal You as a Giver, or Taker?

Have you ever tried to persuade a group to take action? How do you approach the situation?  Do you convince people by telling them why you believe your recommendations are the right move?  Do you try to get them engaged in your story? How often do you say, I.

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I’m Sorry and It Will Happen Again

How often do you find yourself making the same mistake? Again. And Again. I was talking to a colleague, who also happens to be my daughter. She was describing a client scenario; I jumped in quickly assuming I knew what they wanted. She paused, annoyed, then went on to.

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Two Reasons People Panic at Work and How to Stop Doing That

A client of ours was experiencing a drop in sales; financial performance was down, way down. The natural response is fear and panic. Unfortunately the natural response is the very worst path for a leader. Here’s how it usually plays out. The numbers look bad, leaders try to rectify.

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How to Decode Millennials for Fun and Profit

It seems like it happens overnight. One minute you’re the young upstart; the next minute you’re the oldest person in the room. If it suddenly feels like you’re the only one who remembers the Partridge family, there’s a reason. The number of young people in the workforce has exploded. .

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When to Negotiate, and When to Play Nice

“You don’t get what you deserve. You get what you negotiate.” It was the marketing tagline for a popular 1980s negotiating skills program.  Personally, I find this concept absolutely exhausting. Do you really want to game every aspect of daily life? I teach negotiation skills, and coach clients in.

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The Purist Trap: Why Your Enthusiasm May Be Off-Putting

“I’m not sure he really believes in this.”  The project manager was frustrated because he felt like his boss was just giving lip service to his initiative. Have you ever been in a situation where you’re passionate about something, yet you wonder if the people around you are just.

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Meet People Where They Are: Galileo’s Epic Fail

Have you ever tried to change someone’s mind? Thanksgiving after Thanksgiving you tell yourself that you’re not going to engage with crazy Uncle Ned and his racist (or sexist, or liberal or conservative views) again. But then, two, OK four, glasses of wine later, and you’re right there having.

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The False Choice: Inspiration vs. Accountability

Organizations tell their people,  “Be the best. Delight customers.  Put a dent in the universe.”  It sounds inspiring at the annual meeting.  But what does it really mean on a day-to-day basis? When Nike says their mission is to, “Bring inspiration and innovation to every athlete in the world,”.

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Can Business Act As a Moral Compass?

There’s a lot of talk about the negative influence of business in politics.  We know what happens when business leaders manipulate politicians for their economic gain. The marriage between business and politics is kind of like that dysfunctional couple we all know and tolerate.  They have a long history.

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Is overemphasizing profit costing you money?

BUSINESS TREND Game Change: Leaders increase profits focusing on a noble purpose bigger than money They lead different organizations across a gamut of industries: construction, travel, social media, and software.  Instead of driving their organizations to improve profit, these leaders make customer impact their end game.   The counter intuitive.

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