

Three Things Congress Can Do (But Probably Won’t) To Stop Vitriol and Violence

An Open Letter to Congress: I know you’re scared. One of your members was gunned down in public.  Six people are dead, including a nine-year-old little girl, a third grade student council member who wanted to see democracy in action. You can pretend this was an isolated incident. Or,.

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Careful v. Cautious: One Helps You – The Other Holds You Back

Be careful! It’s what your mom shouted out the door as you left with the car for the first time. It’s probably also what your dad said when he taught you how to balance a checkbook. And it’s a quality most of us want in a brain surgeon or.

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Accountability: What We Can Learn from Martial Arts

Isn’t it frustrating when people don’t take responsibility for their mistakes? From the coworker who can’t seem to get their projects in on time to the spouse who consistently forgets to pick up the dry cleaning, there’s always a reason, and it’s never their fault. The traffic was terrible;.

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Teamwork v. Collaboration (And Why I'm Finally Lifting My Ban On Sports Analogies)

If you’re in business, you’ve no doubt had someone – probably your boss or a motivational speaker – attempt to inspire you with a sports analogy. “We’re in the bottom of the ninth; it’s time to show the competition what we’re made of!” “It’s crunch time, people. It’s 4th.

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Teamwork v. Collaboration (And Why I’m Finally Lifting My Ban On Sports Analogies)

If you’re in business, you’ve no doubt had someone – probably your boss or a motivational speaker – attempt to inspire you with a sports analogy. “We’re in the bottom of the ninth; it’s time to show the competition what we’re made of!” “It’s crunch time, people. It’s 4th.

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People Who Think They Know Everything Are Usually Wrong

Are you like Galileo? Or do you approach life more like a scared Roman? In 1663 Galileo Galilei was jailed as a heretic for having the audacity to suggest that the earth moved around the sun. The man whose groundbreaking work marked the dawn of modern astronomy was convicted.

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Can I Get A Volunteer? Three Ways to Enlist More Support

Do you ever notice how some people always seem to be able to get plenty of help and support for their projects, yet others struggle to get people engaged? Whether it’s trying to find enough warm bodies to man the Spring Fling Sno Cone booth or convincing your coworkers.

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Why the Carrot and Stick Model No Longer Works

Think your incentive plan is working?  Research reveals, there’s a complete and total disconnect between what social science knows and what business actually does.  The carrot and the stick model of performance management no longer works. The truth is, people have two basic needs.   People want to be.

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Why Instilling Character Isn't In Conflict With Encouraging Competition

What’s more important – to be the best and win? Or to be humble, and put yourself in the service of others? Year ago, businesses looked for someone of ‘good character’ when they were hiring.  Parents stressed moral values, and literature was filled with stories of honor and integrity..

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Why Instilling Character Isn’t In Conflict With Encouraging Competition

What’s more important – to be the best and win? Or to be humble, and put yourself in the service of others? Year ago, businesses looked for someone of ‘good character’ when they were hiring.  Parents stressed moral values, and literature was filled with stories of honor and integrity..

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