

Stop Saying People “Don’t Want to Work” … They Just Don’t Want to Work for *You*

Job openings have hit a record high. There’s energy in the market; the flood of new positions in aviation, hospitality, and tech are contributing to a collective buzz. Yet for many organizations, filling positions is becoming increasingly challenging. From American Airlines canceling flights, citing a labor shortage, to Applebee’s offering free food to anyone willing.

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How to Start Strong with a New Boss

The talent landscape is in a major flux; niche industries are growing rapidly, people are changing jobs, and many companies are going through re-orgs. Getting a new boss, even if you’re not in a new role, can be a nerve-racking experience. You want to make a good impression and.

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What Managers Can Do to Combat ‘The Great Resignation’

A swirl of news stories about ‘The Great Resignation’ has put employee retention in the leadership spotlight. 1 in 4 workers is considering quitting their job after the pandemic.   I’ve seen the fear in our consulting practice, too;  Our clients are deeply worried about retaining their talent as the.

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How to Make Work Fun Again

When was the last time you laughed at work? No, not a polite ‘haha’ response to a cringey joke. Not that maniacal laugh either, you know, the kind of crazy howl you do alone when everything is going wrong. I’m talking about a deep belly laugh, with your coworkers..

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How Purpose-Driven Leaders Handle Two Kinds of Mistakes

Most leaders recognize, your team is going to make mistakes. The challenge is, all mistakes are not equal. There’s a big difference between errors of apathy and errors of enthusiasm. Errors of apathy are the kind of mistakes that happen when no one feels responsible, so everyone just passes.

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4 Signs of a Toxic (Remote) Culture

The traditional signs of a toxic in-person culture are fairly obvious: long faces, snide remarks, groups of people huddled around the water cooler, who immediately stop speaking when the boss walks in. In the current virtual world, toxicity is harder to pick up on. It sits beneath the surface.

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Overcoming the Drain of Emotional Acting

“No worries!” you politely replied, when in fact, this has caused you many worries. “Feeling good!” you forced, when in fact, you felt awful. “We can rally!” you cheered to the team, when in fact, you knew that things didn’t look good. Maybe you’ve done this; Carefully picking and.

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Virtual Onboarding: How to Win the Hearts and Minds of New Employees (Via Zoom)

When teams that were used to working together in person shifted to virtual, they had a wellspring of mutual goodwill to draw upon. They’d been through change, challenge, and growth together. The existing goodwill enabled them to power through virtual work even when it may have been frustrating or.

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What If Getting Great Results Doesn’t Have To Be So Hard?

If you’ve ever tried, and perhaps succeeded in achieving a big goal, you know that great results require hard work (and lots of it). The sacrifice and struggle associated with accomplishment are part of the puritan work ethic, bootstrap-it-up mythology many of us have been marinating in since birth, both.

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The Brain-Changing Magic of Meaningful Work

What if you could change the way you experience your work by simply shifting your lens? What if someone else’s perspective on your work could bring you more happiness and energy even when circumstances seem to be working against you? Years ago, when I was a corporate trainer, I.

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