
Personal Development

Your Job is Like Cake

Do you like cake? I love cake.  Give me a piece of cake, and I’m happy. A good job is kind of like cake.  One piece is excellent.  Two pieces are good.  But if you eat a whole cake, you’re going to stop liking cake. A lot of people.

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Why Adjectives are Eroding the Truth

I don’t yell as much as my mother.  I consider that an accomplishment. Unfortunately, my kids never knew my mother, so they have no idea how well I’m doing. That’s the problem with comparisons.  We all live in our own world, a world forged by our experiences.  Consider these.

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Is lack of business acumen costing you sales?

Three ways to help your team be more successful in the C suite Does this scenario sound familiar? Your salesperson finally gets an appointment with a senior executive in your biggest potential account.  The goal is to have a business conversation and better understand the customer’s key objectives. But.

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Why Setting Goals Undermines Success and Erodes Happiness

What are you going to accomplish this year? Or perhaps at this point, a better question might be, what were you going to accomplish? Have you already given up that plan to lose ten pounds? Is making a million still on the table? If you’re like most people, you.

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What is the Meaning of Life?

It’s the age-old question, but what if I told you, the answer was two short words?  Now it’s not wine and cheese, nor is it TV and shopping? It’s not even love and money. The meaning of life is friendship and creativity.  I didn’t come by this revelation on.

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Why Being Helpful Isn’t Just for Nice Guys (and Gals)

If I tell you someone is helpful, what image crosses your mind? Most people associate the word helpful with jobs like a crossing guard, or a traveler’s aide at the airport. Helpful people are nice to be around, but they’re rarely in charge, or so the thinking goes. When.

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How to Cross the Great Divide

We have never been more divided. Or so it would seem. If we are in fact divided, we are the ones who created the divide. The media and candidates can fuel the divide. But the divide only happens when we, the people, make negative assumptions about each other. If.

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Our Biggest Problems Have a Hidden Cause

What is the single biggest problem facing our planet? Is it Global Warming? Terrorism? Poverty? It’s none of the above.  Let me explain. What if we could triple the amount of human capital devoted to solving these and other major issues?  We can.  And we can do it with.

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Are You Going to Stop the Buck, or Assign Blame?

The buck stops here. The famous sign on Harry Truman’s desk applies to all of us. At a certain point, we all have a buck stops here moment. Whether stepping up at work to fix a problem you inherited, or even harder, breaking the chain of pain in your.

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Barbie has Noble Purpose

I confess: I was a Barbie girl. What did you play with as a kid, Hot Wheels, Legos, Army Men?  Your toys forge your identify.  They enable you to play out your hopes and dreams.  You can be anything you want in the land of make believe. As a.

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