
Can Customer Service Touch Your Soul?

When was the last time you had a profound customer service experience? Customer experience expert Chip Bell says, “Service can be a perfunctory act delivered with routine banter and going-through-the-motions energy.  It can be the same service we get pretty much everywhere, every day.  Or it can be something.

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Bad Leadership in Action: Water Privilege Revoked

Have you ever heard a manager complaining about their employees?  The complaints run from “I can’t get good people” to, “My people don’t care enough” to, “I can’t keep good people.” Next time you hear someone complaining, consider this perspective.  The true measure of a leader is their people..

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Three Questions You Should Ask Before the Door Closes

There it is, the resignation letter. You’ve spent time hiring, training, and getting this employee up to speed, and now they’re leaving you. Perhaps they’re going to the competition, switching industries, or launching their own firm. Or maybe they’ve decided to be a poet and travel the world. No.

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Should You Keep Your Boss from Making a Mistake?

What would you do if you knew your boss was making a bad decision?  We’ve all been there.  How did you respond?  Do you sit back and watch it.  Or do you step outside your comfort zone and address it? My father once told me, “No matter what your.

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Four Words That Kill Morale

We’ve all been there.  You’re at the annual meeting; the leaders rattle off the usual buzzwords.  Eyes glaze.  The question is why?  No one shows up to a meeting wanting to be bored.  Leaders certainly don’t want their teams to disengage. But words matter.  When leaders overuse jargon with.

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Is lack of business acumen costing you sales?

Three ways to help your team be more successful in the C suite Does this scenario sound familiar? Your salesperson finally gets an appointment with a senior executive in your biggest potential account.  The goal is to have a business conversation and better understand the customer’s key objectives. But.

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Why Setting Goals Undermines Success and Erodes Happiness

What are you going to accomplish this year? Or perhaps at this point, a better question might be, what were you going to accomplish? Have you already given up that plan to lose ten pounds? Is making a million still on the table? If you’re like most people, you.

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Your Spouse and Your Boss Agree, You’re a Bad Communicator

Bill was frustrated; his boss just didn’t get it. Bill thought his boss expected too much. In my conversation with Bill he said, “My boss worries about the smallest things, then he freaks out if they’re not done perfectly.” As he spoke, something about the way Bill described his.

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The Big Mistake People Make About Money

Is money the root of all evil?  I don’t believe so.  Yet many of us live with a weird dichotomy when it comes to money.  We want money, but we don’t want to be perceived as wanting it.  Consider these mixed messages: Good companies are profitable and financially stable..

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Web v. Human: Easy or Special?

A friend of mine bought a car recently without ever stepping into the dealership.  It’s being delivered to his door.  He conducted the entire purchase over the phone and Internet. When he walks out of his front door Monday morning there will be a new BMW sitting in his.

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