
Innovation & Change

Politics: Magnifying Mirror on the Human Mind

We’re all familiar with polarizing politics:  splitting complex issues into polar opposite views so that we, the attention-deficit disordered American public, can sleep securely in the knowledge that our side is right; therefore, the other side must be wrong, wrong, wrong. But the black and white thinking that can.

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The Secret to Solving Problems: Put Solutions On Pause

After a decade of working with CEOs, sales people, managers and individuals, I can promise you there’s no difference between an in-law squabble and the sales vs. accounting turf war.

The subject matter might be different, but the dynamics of the argument are exactly the same. Both sides think they’re.

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Emotions Count: Five Tough Truths About Leadership

We’ve all been told not to bring our emotions to the work.  But the idea that feelings don’t belong in the office is one of the biggest myths in business today. If you want passionate customers, excited employees and motivated managers, how are you going create them if you.

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Six Simple Ways to Harness the Power of AND

Be it business, politics or relationships, either/or thinking is the bane of human existence. It dumbs down pretty much everything. Whether it’s an interdepartmental turf war or an argument with your spouse about the best way to load a dishwasher, the moment we descend into an either/or, I’m-right-so-you-must-be-wrong mindset,.

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Just Because I'm Right, Doesn't Mean You're Wrong

Contrary to what the polarizing politicians (or your own ego) may tell you, validating another person’s truth doesn’t make you weaker; it makes you stronger.

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Just Because I’m Right, Doesn’t Mean You’re Wrong

Contrary to what the polarizing politicians (or your own ego) may tell you, validating another person’s truth doesn’t make you weaker; it makes you stronger.

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It Came Upon a Midnight Buffet Table

It Came Upon a Midnight Buffet Table By Lisa Earle McLeod Let the gluttony begin. ’Tis the season of sin.  Other families may engage in meaningful religious rituals, but my family is whooping it up at the church of the holy drumstick. Why settle for a single sip of.

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Moral Mandates Revealed In Regression Analysis

Moral mandates revealed in regression analysis By Lisa Earle McLeod What do Jesus and a University of Chicago economist have in common? They both believe in the freeing power of the truth. Just as Jesus called upon would be stone throwers to examine their own lives, rogue economist Steven.

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Rumor Has It, It's All In Your Head

Rumor has it, it’s all in your head By Lisa Earle McLeod Psssst, I’ve got a secret. And only 40 million other people know about it. “The Secret” phenom: It’s a book, it’s a movie, it’s on “Oprah,” it’s on magazine covers and it’s the hot buzz around water.

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Rumor Has It, It’s All In Your Head

Rumor has it, it’s all in your head By Lisa Earle McLeod Psssst, I’ve got a secret. And only 40 million other people know about it. “The Secret” phenom: It’s a book, it’s a movie, it’s on “Oprah,” it’s on magazine covers and it’s the hot buzz around water.

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