
Innovation & Change

Why the Carrot and Stick Model No Longer Works

Think your incentive plan is working?  Research reveals, there’s a complete and total disconnect between what social science knows and what business actually does.  The carrot and the stick model of performance management no longer works. The truth is, people have two basic needs.   People want to be.

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Why Instilling Character Isn't In Conflict With Encouraging Competition

What’s more important – to be the best and win? Or to be humble, and put yourself in the service of others? Year ago, businesses looked for someone of ‘good character’ when they were hiring.  Parents stressed moral values, and literature was filled with stories of honor and integrity..

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Why Instilling Character Isn’t In Conflict With Encouraging Competition

What’s more important – to be the best and win? Or to be humble, and put yourself in the service of others? Year ago, businesses looked for someone of ‘good character’ when they were hiring.  Parents stressed moral values, and literature was filled with stories of honor and integrity..

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Minding the Gap Keeps You From Falling Into the Abyss

Mind The Gap. It’s a phrase commonly used to warn train passengers of the gap between the station platform and the train door.   But it’s a metaphor that applies to many areas of our lives.   The Gap is the space between one activity and the next.  .

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Service, Satisfaction, And Other Legends of Old

Long, long ago in a land far, far away, there existed an ancient practice called customer service. Highly trained tribal leaders were anointed the title of “service reps,” and their role was to assist the befuddled and the bewildered with the purchase and use of goods and services. Legend.

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Are Your Stories Serving You? Or Sabotaging You?

What’s your story? We all have stories. They’re the inner thought tracks of our lives. The challenge is they’re not always true, and sometimes even if they are true, repeating them doesn’t always bring out the best in us. For instance, you probably know a divorced person who is.

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How Well Do You Sit With Uncertainty?

How comfortable are you with uncertainty? If you’re like most of us, you probably find it easier to function when things are settled. Here’s a quick quiz to test your tolerance for uncertainty. On a scale of 1 to 5, where 1 means no problem and 5 means my.

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Why Giving Everybody A Trophy Dumbs Down The Country

You’re sooo special. You’re the best little soccer player out there, and to show you just how special you are, we’re giving you a trophy. Of course, we’re also going to give one to everybody else on the team. It doesn’t matter whether you played or not, whether the.

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Volunteer Your Way to Success

Which is harder, trying to get a job or trying to keep one? With 14.8 million people unemployed, job competition has never been stiffer. If you’ve already got a job, there are plenty of people out there who are quite eager to take your place. And if you’re looking.

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The Male Factor: The Secret Beliefs that Women Miss

Why do people of the opposite sex act so weird at work? Anyone who works in an environment where their sex is in the minority knows that men and women are different.  Actually, anyone who’s ever gone to school, ridden a bus, dated, read a Facebook page, been married,.

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