
Noble Purpose Newsletter

How Storytelling Shapes Your Self-perception

My favorite memories are of my Dad telling my brother and me stories about his childhood. My Dad was a city boy from Washington, DC. Every summer he would head down to Walhalla, South Carolina to spend a month with his southern cousins who took great delight in teasing.

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Lessons from a Boiling Frog

If you put a frog in a pot of boiling water, it jumps out. But if you put a frog in cool water and gradually turn up the heat, the frog will boil to death without ever trying to escape. The same thing happens to people. If someone had.

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The Walking In The Door Problem

What happens when you walk in the door at night? Do you dread coming home, or are you excited? A friend of mine has a long commute. It takes him an hour and a half to get home. When he walks in the door he’s exhausted. He just wants.

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Are Smart People Miserable?

Ernest Hemingway once said, “Happiness in intelligent people is the rarest thing I know.” There’s a long-held belief that average people are happier than smart people.  The premise – frequently touted at Mensa meetings and Unitarian cocktail parties – is that the super smart are more likely to be.

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How I reframed paying my taxes: Why self talk matters

Do you like paying taxes? I own my own business, which means I write quarterly checks for my taxes. I confess, in the past I didn’t enjoy paying them. We have a meeting every Friday afternoon to go over the cash flow, the receivables and the projected revenues.  At.

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How to Get Things Done: Separate Your Work Modes

Do you struggle to get things done? Be honest. We all procrastinate.  Whether it’s putting off the challenging phone call or trolling Facebook when we should be writing a proposal, we all avoid certain tasks. For me, it’s writing. I’ll call every client and send every email I possibly.

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The Meaning of Life in Two Words

Beyond food and shelter, people of all ages have two core emotional needs: connection and meaning. We want close personal relationships while we’re on this planet, and we want to make a contribution that outlasts our stay on it. Our deepest desire is to make a difference, and our.

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My Dad Waterskied in a Leisure Suit: Why Peers Matter

I’m the worst waterskier in my family. My younger brother whips back and forth like a pro, hitting the outside buoys on the slalom course and leaning sideway until he’s practically parallel to the water. My Dad has been a hot shot skier since he was 8. When I.

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What’s Your Body Saying About You?

  What if other people could read your thoughts? What if your boss knew what you were thinking during meetings? What if your spouse knew what you were daydreaming about during dinner? What if your coworkers and customers could hear your internal dialogue all day long? Guess what? They.

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The Stupid Mistake Most People Make When Choosing A Career

What did you want to be when you grew up? A dancer, fireman, rock star? Or maybe an astronaut? When I was 10 I told my mom I wanted to be a TV preacher. Then she informed me that I’d probably have to join a church, so I gave.

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