

Conflict Resolution: Why Fighting Makes Things Better

We tend to assume that arguments are bad. We’re wrong. The best ideas often come from arguing. Here are two examples: How fighting against a highway created a network of parks and bike trails. Back in the 1970s my mother led the fight against Route 66 in Arlington, Virginia..

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Karma: Is It Woo-Woo Or Is It Real?

Do good things happen to people who think nice thoughts? Do nasty people eventually get punished in the end? It sounds good in theory, but how do you explain all the rich jerks in the world? The concept of Karma has taken root in our culture. It’s come from.

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Why Positive Thinking Is Like Crack Cocaine And How You Can Get Hooked

Positive thinking is kind of like crack. Once you become addicted to it, you can’t get enough. Before you know it, it’s become a daily habit and you’re trying to push it on all your friends. But for many, positive thinking is just too wild and crazy for them.

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Empathy & Innovation: An Unexpected Pairing That Will Solve Any Problem

Q: What do world hunger and bad customer service have in common? A: The secret to solving them both is empathy and innovation. Empathy and innovation seem like an unlikely pairing, but together, they’re the secret to solving just about everything. Here’s why. You have to care about a.

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How to Differentiate Yourself in 1 Minute Flat

Can a single pivotal behavior elevate the culture of your entire organization? It can if it’s the right behavior. Here’s how a simple 1 minute act helped an organization outperform their competition by leaps and bounds: My family and I were moving our daughter into Boston University last weekend..

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7 Ways to Have a Great Life

Long-term goals are important, but don’t make the mistake of putting your happiness on hold until you achieve them. Here are 7 simple ways you can have a great life starting tomorrow morning: 1.Get enough sleep – It makes you smarter, nicer and better problem-solver. You’ll also have fewer traffic.

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It's Always Personal: Why Even Men Cry at Work

She was absolutely blindsided, sucker-punched. She hunched over the telephone, turned her back on her colleagues and gazed unseeingly at the high rise across the street as Sumner Redstone, the almost 70-year-old Chairman of Viacom Inc., let loose with his tirade. Anne Kreamer, then a 37-year-old senior VP at.

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It’s Always Personal: Why Even Men Cry at Work

She was absolutely blindsided, sucker-punched. She hunched over the telephone, turned her back on her colleagues and gazed unseeingly at the high rise across the street as Sumner Redstone, the almost 70-year-old Chairman of Viacom Inc., let loose with his tirade. Anne Kreamer, then a 37-year-old senior VP at.

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Why People Become Extremists During Arguments

 It starts out calm. You’re having an intelligent debate with a colleague. Then they say something that pushes your buttons and before you know it, the words are flying and logic is out the window. Reasoned debate is gone, now it’s a “moral” argument. Complexity and nuance are lost.

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Why Avoiding Conflict Keeps You Trapped In It Forever

“Avoiding conflict wreaks havoc on business and relationships as well.” Most people don’t like conflict.   It feels risky and time consuming. They’re either afraid of it or they don’t want to expend the energy to deal with it. The problem is, avoiding conflict doesn’t work either.  It doesn’t reduce tension, if anything,.

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