

Why profit should NOT be the primary purpose of business

Many people believe that the sole purpose of business is to make money. They’re wrong. When you overemphasize profit – particularly short-term profit – you wind up creating a culture that underemphasizes customers. Just ask the fine folks at Goldman Sachs. In a scathing op-ed for the New York.

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Why Comparing Yourself to Other People is a Good Thing

Do you ever compare yourself to other people? Of course you do. We all do. People are always telling you not to compare yourself to others, but it’s part of human nature. Humans are called the comparing creatures. It’s not always a bad thing. Here are three ways comparing.

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Why Procrastination is Good for You: 5 Ways to Make it Work

Do you ever get annoyed with yourself for procrastinating? You knew you had the deadline; you had plenty of time to work on it.  But there you are, at the last minute, scrambling to get it done. Yet somehow, it always seems to get done.  Doesn’t it? Deadlines ignite.

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How Apologizing Makes You More Powerful

There are two kinds of “I’m sorry.”  The kind where you feel bad for the other person, and the kind where you take personal responsibility for what went wrong. The first kind of “I’m sorry” is easy.  You say it at funerals, “I’m so sorry you lost your mom.”.

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Are you aggressive or assertive? Frantic or focused?

They might seem like the same thing, but they’re not. Being aggressive turns people off. But being assertive is a critical skill for anyone who wants to have fulfilling relationships, personal or professional. You’ll never get anything done if you don’t know how to be assertive. Words are tricky..

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The Great Contact Lens Solution Epiphany About Consciousness

Two weeks ago I forgot to bring my contact lens case to the eye doctor.  So they gave me one of theirs to store my contacts in during the exam. It was much smaller than my normal case, the kind you get for free with the solution. But it.

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Why Noble Sales Purpose Matters: Four Business Reasons Plus One Emotional One

In an era where it seems like many companies have become heartless sweatshops grabbing for every nickel they can get and squeezing their employees for more and more, having a larger purpose still matters. People have become jaded about mission and vision statements. Too often, they become meaningless platitudes.

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Why Hope Is A Great Strategy

How do you solve big problems? You start with hope. Perhaps you’ve heard the expression, hope is not a strategy. I beg to differ. Hope is an excellent strategy. It’s the first step to solving any problem. Consider what happens when you have no hope. Imagine you’re facing a.

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Decisive Leadership in Uncertain Times

3 Strategies That Make the Top 2% More Successful  1. Emphasize purpose over profits Your organization’s purpose is how you make a difference in the world. It sounds fluffy, but it translates into cold hard cash. A study from Jim Collins and Jerry Porras  found that “Organizations driven by purpose.

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One Dysfunction per Generation – Deal With It

It’s always easier to judge the past than the present. The problem is we tend to judge people by looking backwards without considering how things looked from their vantage point at the time. It’s easy for us to say that investing in a buggy whip company is a terrible.

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