

Four Patterns Of Excuse-Making And How To Avoid Them

We’ve all heard (and given) our share of excuses. “My computer crashed, I got stuck in traffic, no one told me I was supposed to do it, the dog ate my homework.” It’s frustrating to encounter in others, but we’re often guilty ourselves, “I was sooo busy, my travel.

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Do You Ever Wish You Could Get Other People To Change?

Who hasn’t wished that their boss, spouse or in-laws would change? We’d love to possess a magic change potion we could give the offender to help them see the error of their ways. We delude ourselves into believing that our desire is not for our benefit.  Oh no, it’s.

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Why People Are Afraid To Be Enthusiastic

Have you ever had someone throw a wet blanket on your idea? It’s horrible. You come in all excited about something, then someone you care about (your spouse, boss, teacher, parent) responds with anxiety and doubt. As a hugely enthusiastic person myself, I’ve had this happen a lot. I.

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How to Build a Great Relationship in 15 Minutes a Day

Good relationships – professional or personal – take time.  But you don’t have to spend endless hours to have a positive impact on someone.  Regular snippets of focused time add up. Here’s how I set my daughter up for success in 15 minutes a day. The same principles can.

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The Gorillas in Our Midst

I was at the zoo recently where I witnessed a scenario that made me both frustrated and empathetic towards men. (Note – this is not going to be a rant, it’s about science.) As my kids and I were exiting the gorilla habitat we walked past a dad watching.

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I knew it. I knew it.

How many times have you ignored your own gut instincts? You go forward with something even though a niggling little part of your brain is telling you that something is wrong. Then when things do go wrong, as your subconscious knew it would, the full force of your entire.

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How Shared Purpose Can Keep Arguments from Becoming Personal

The two men glared at each other from opposite sides of the conference table, looking like mortal enemies, and in some ways, they were. Steve, the younger of the two, had his hands perched on the arms of his chair, clenching his fingers on the edges as if he.

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“But We’ve Already Spent the Money!”

This single phrase is responsible for more bad decisions than almost any other. Once we’ve spent some money, we’re reluctant to back out. Whether it’s millions on an IT project or a hundred dollars for concert tickets, once we part with cash, we become invested in sticking with our.

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Why Shared Commitment gives you Courage

Martin Luther King said, “We must build dikes of courage to hold back the flood of fear.” I’ve interviewed several combat veterans.  Most admit to being afraid. But there are two reasons soldiers are able to conquer their fear: They have extensive training. They’re emotionally invested in their team..

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How Storytelling Shapes Your Self-perception

My favorite memories are of my Dad telling my brother and me stories about his childhood. My Dad was a city boy from Washington, DC. Every summer he would head down to Walhalla, South Carolina to spend a month with his southern cousins who took great delight in teasing.

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