
The Nobility of Business Owners

Why do you go to work?  For many people work is a means to an end.  They work because they want/need a paycheck. But ask an entrepreneur why they chose their profession, and you’ll find a story about love and passion, the story also usually involves exhaustion. Let’s face.

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Two Reasons People Panic at Work and How to Stop Doing That

A client of ours was experiencing a drop in sales; financial performance was down, way down. The natural response is fear and panic. Unfortunately the natural response is the very worst path for a leader. Here’s how it usually plays out. The numbers look bad, leaders try to rectify.

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3 Reasons People Quit That Have Nothing To Do With Money

In a recent study, 89% of employers assume that their employees leave for more money elsewhere.  But in reality, studies from Gallup and the Incentive Research Foundation reveal only 12% of employees actually earn more from their next company. In my experience, people become demotivated first. The decision to.

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Would You Get 3 Out Of 5 Stars?

What if everyone who interacted with you had the opportunity to rate your performance? Guess what? They already do. Peruse LinkedIn, Glassdoor and Yelp, and you’ll see personal comments on everyone from CEOs to a specific waitress at a coffee shop. changed the game on professors by giving.

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How to Decode Millennials for Fun and Profit

It seems like it happens overnight. One minute you’re the young upstart; the next minute you’re the oldest person in the room. If it suddenly feels like you’re the only one who remembers the Partridge family, there’s a reason. The number of young people in the workforce has exploded. .

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What’s the ROI on Friendship?

Who are your five closest friends?  Did you intentionally choose them?  Or are they circumstantial friends? Whether you realize it or not, your closest friends set the bar for what you consider to be normal.  For example, if you’re a B student and all your friends get C’s, you’ll.

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A Letter for the Special Ones

Intellectually, you know that other people adore their children.  In fact, it’s in your best interest to want people to adore their children.  When people love and care for their children, the world benefits.  Social science backs this up.  People who care about their children make their best effort.

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When to Negotiate, and When to Play Nice

“You don’t get what you deserve. You get what you negotiate.” It was the marketing tagline for a popular 1980s negotiating skills program.  Personally, I find this concept absolutely exhausting. Do you really want to game every aspect of daily life? I teach negotiation skills, and coach clients in.

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The Purist Trap: Why Your Enthusiasm May Be Off-Putting

“I’m not sure he really believes in this.”  The project manager was frustrated because he felt like his boss was just giving lip service to his initiative. Have you ever been in a situation where you’re passionate about something, yet you wonder if the people around you are just.

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Meet People Where They Are: Galileo’s Epic Fail

Have you ever tried to change someone’s mind? Thanksgiving after Thanksgiving you tell yourself that you’re not going to engage with crazy Uncle Ned and his racist (or sexist, or liberal or conservative views) again. But then, two, OK four, glasses of wine later, and you’re right there having.

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