
Noble Purpose Newsletter

Why We Make Inaccurate Assessments About Other People

A client of mine recently told me, “All my boss cares about is money.” Yet I was in a private meeting with his boss, the CEO, just the day before, and when I asked him (the CEO) to identify his top three priorities they were in order: 1. Creating a.

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Why Moving the Needle Matters More Than You Think

We all want to solve the big problem. We want to be the one who creates the breakthrough, who upends the paradigm, who stops or starts “it” once and for all. When you can’t solve the big problem, it often feels futile to try. Because if you try and you.

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Hiring the Right Sales Representative

How to hire salespeople who won’t flake out on you.

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Podcast on

Check out my recent podcast for Click here and scroll to the page bottom for the play button.

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3 Big Fears

Humans are complicated. We have physical fears, like being afraid of fire ants or going bungee jumping. We may over exaggerate these fears, but they’re based on a semi logical understanding of risks. But then there are our emotional fears; this is where logic leaves the party. Emotional fears.

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3 Ways to Break Out Of the Gerbil Syndrome

Do you ever feel like your life has become a series of frantic short-term interactions? Demands and distractions come in by the nanosecond – beeping and clicking at you from multiple devices – and there’s not a minute left for invigorating conversation, true relaxation, or heaven forbid, strategic thinking..

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Why the Boss/Employee Relationship Still Matters

How many bosses have made a difference in your life? You probably remember your very best, and your very worst, bosses. What was the difference between the two? It’s interesting, when asked what makes a good manager people often cite intellect and job skills. Yet when people are asked.

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Why Southwest is Beating the Competition

When was the last time an airline employee gave you enthusiastic service? Compare and contrast these two stories to see how senior leadership affects employee commitment: Last year, I lost my wallet on a late night Delta airlines flight. I stumbled off the plane in a bleary-eyed stupor, and.

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How to Create the Dream Sales Team

Lisa shares three things that you can do right now to dramatically improve your sales team.

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4 Ways to Make Travel Less Awful

Growing up, I always dreamed about having a job that involved travel, more specifically air travel. My family didn’t have a lot of money, so our vacations were limited to road trips, usually to visit extended family. But on the rare occasion, that we flew – in my case going.

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